How do you know if you are on the right path? Well, one of the ways is if others are there with you and they keep you true to the vision. It is the power of a shared vision.
We recently had a crisis here at the SPC. It is nothing that most small businesses and organization hasn't seen before. We knew we would get through it. But what was truly amazing was how we rallied to find a solution - fast. We are much stronger for it.
If there was any doubt about the perseverance or determination of any one steel pan community, that has all passed. We all share the vision. Here at the SPC, we got to experience just how strong the steel pan community is. There is definitely power in numbers and a shared vision.
We now enter into this new phase with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm. We even managed to infuse a little humor which we sorely needed recently. (Members can see some of that "Pan Humor" in one of the Engine Room blogs put up by a member of our board).
The steel pan community is pretty powerful. We have accomplished some pretty amazing things when you think about it. Not bad for an instrument and community that is around 70 years old.