We accomplished some major goals this week.
First, our website is up. It seemed like a Herculean effort at the time - and it was. I am deeply grateful to friends, family, and the Board for their help. It was truly a community effort. Check it out. Sign up to be a member or get the free updates. The website is http://steelpancollective.org.
Second, our social media platform and channels are set up. We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ now. I am currently working on a social media schedule. Like others, we are not fans of random posts. I'd like to at least plan out what gets published and when. Hopefully, this helps cut through the enormous amount of information out there. We are already seeing people clicking on our pages and liking them. (Hint: Make sure you know someone who is active in social media. Otherwise, you'll feel like you've been thrown in the deep end)
Third, we applied for our 501(c)(3) tax exemption as well. That was huge for us - mainly because of the amount of information requested and the fee involved.
Fourth, our first members signed up. That was way cool. Now we get to deliver on those benefits we promised.
Fifth, we will have two blogs going forward. There is this one which is for the general public. We'll address more general topics and ideas here. The other is the member blog which is on our site. It is called the Engine Room blog and will deal with more member focused topics. You'll have to be a member to view it though. An added bonus is members can post on the blog as well. So, continue to read this one and/or become a member.
It has been a good week. We are exhausted, but happy.
Skip Waugh
The Steel Pan Collective
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