Is your latest steel pan performance on YouTube? If not, it should be.
You need to be on YouTube whether you are looking for future gigs, new students, or just showing the latest song you learned. Unlike other social media - YouTube offers the sights and sounds of steel pan. Don't get me wrong. The other social media is nice. And when it is tied together can make a powerful way to get the word about steel pan. YouTube has to be part of your steel pan playing strategy.
Type in 'steel pan' or 'steel drum orchestra' and you'll find a surprising number of videos. Some are instructional, some promotional, some just capturing a pannist's or group's performance. They are always enjoyable to watch.
It is also a great way to pick up on a song you are learning. It's almost like being in a Trinidad panyard. You watch someone play the song on the screen and then you try it. (Thank goodness for that pause button). The chances you'll shorten that learning curve with YouTube. Also, it is a great way for you to also include your own performances to see how you look and sound.
I am strong believer in having a presence on YouTube. Having nothing up makes it tougher to convince others of your abilities. Videos adds credibility.
Here is a couple of suggestions:
1) Video and Post it. Also note the song you are playing.
2) Promote! Promote! Promote! Let others know through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Google+, Twitter, etc.) Use your own channels and couple it with that of the Steel Pan Collective. Most importantly, be consistent about it.
3) Embed and Link. If you have website, embed the video(s) or put a link to your video(s).
Take advantage of the technology we have these days. It is pretty user friendly. That's great news for the steel pan player.
Look for the SPC YouTube Channel in the coming months. It'll be a place where our members can also post their videos.
Skip Waugh
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