Friday, April 4, 2014

My Eyes Have Seen The Glory - The SPC Vision

According to the dictionary, vision is the faculty or state of being able to see. The business definition differs slightly. A vision or vision statement is an aspiration description of what the organization wants to achieve in the future. Ideally, it serves as a guide for choosing current and future courses of action.

The Steel Pan Collective (SPC) developed a vision statement to complement its mission.

Our vision is to offer every individual the opportunity to join and participate in the joyous steel pan tradition.  

It is as simple as that. Now think about that vision for a second.  I wrote last week about the three paths for SPC to realize that vision. Learn, Unite, and Perform. The three paths are the brainchild of fellow SPC staff member, Elizabeth.

When you think about those paths, it is a lot easier to "see" how we can support every individual when it comes to participating in the steel pan tradition.

This is what we see the future bringing.

Learn - Imagine children to seniors learning steel drums. We see them gathered at schools, community centers, senior living facilities, and adult education classes. We see steel pan integrating into regular music education. Wouldn't it be great if our organization partnered with educational institutions to bring steel pan to the masses? We think so. In a time when some school music programs are cutting back, the SPC could help offer viable alternatives.

Unite - It so important to share your interests with others. The bond is even stronger when those same people are interested in the same thing -like steel pans. What do you think it would be like to connect with other steel pan players? Well, we know it can be very exciting. Think about all the people from around the world who fly down to Trinidad to play in Panorama. There is a kinship and connection for steel pan players. Our goal is to make sure the SPC supports that same kind of connection.

Perform - The steel pan is meant to be performed in front of people. We want to encourage steel pan players to seek out, create, and be a part of their local music scene. Whether they perform in front of friends and family or take the stage at a music festival, steel pan players need to perform. Ideally, we see them coming to play in a huge steel pan festival right here in Denver. Performing shows how excited they are to share their love of the instrument. Performing is their way to celebrate the tradition.

So, the SPC is dedicated to offering every individual the opportunity to join and participate in the steel pan tradition. This is our vision.

Skip Waugh
The Steel Pan Collective

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